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How to load tape/disk images on various systems

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:31 am
by RRicci
I think a list of the various ways to load tape or disk images on various systems would be a good idea here. What do you think? Maybe make this a sticky if there is enough interest?

Re: How to load tape/disk images on various systems

PostPosted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:22 am
by Hot Trout
It would make a good README and quite possible a sticky. Please gop for it.

Re: How to load tape/disk images on various systems

PostPosted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 11:53 am
by Fogsight
Hi, well, this is definitely going to be a very useful thread, I hope... :)

I´ll start with the good, old Commodore 64:

Tape: load (Return)
Disk: load"*",8,1 (Return)
load"$",8 (Return) (to load the program list)

Of course, most emulators have an autostart feature... but you may do it the old-fashioned way... ;)

Re: How to load tape/disk images on various systems

PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 12:38 am
by RRicci
I'll continue the thread with the TRS-80 Model I/III and Color Computer (CoCo).

Model I/III:

To load a BASIC program: CLOAD
To save a BASIC program: CSAVE
To load a Machine Language progran: SYSTEM

I've never used a disk based Model I so I'll leave that blank

Model III disk based (using TRSDOS 1.3)

To load a BASIC program, go into BASIC and type LOAD "<program name>"
To run a BASIC program, go into BASIC and type either RUN ",program name>" or LOAD "<program name>",R
I don't remember whether the ,R needs to be capitalized or not
To run a Machine Languagee (/CMD file) simply type the name of the program at the TRSDOS prompt


To load a BASIC program: CLOAD
To save a BASIC progran: CSAVE
I have forgotten how to load a Machine Language program from tape

I don't have experience with a disk based CoCo. Can anyone help in this regard?