Thanks for the warm welcome.
I've grown up with an MSX2 computer and it's what got me into programming (even though I never wrote much useful on the MSX itself; I was too busy playing games such as Nemesis 3 and Pumpkin Adventure).
Though I don't really do much with MSX anymore at the moment, I still try to help out the openMSX guys by building and testing their Mac OS X releases and offering a space for the 'daily' builds.
I read on IRC that you were looking for a list of changes since the official 0.8.2 release PMJP? I've compiled a list from the SVN logs: doesn't really give a clear overview of what has changed, but it does contain all the (perhaps too technical) commit messages since the 0.8.2 release up till the latest (revision 12710) at the time of writing.
For automatically building the Mac OS X builds I wrote a a Ruby gem, openMSX-Builder: supports updating and building openMSX from the official SVN repository for PPC, x86 and x86_64 Mac OS X systems.
Every published build automatically gets reported via
The Windows 32-bit and 64-bit builds are automatically compiled and uploaded by Vampier (known for
his many MSX longplay videos) and once my system detects he has a new version uploaded, it automatically publishes it on the website and sends out a tweet through the same Twitter account.
Development on the emulator is still quite active, so old builds (usually those who are 100 or more revisions behind) on the page tend to get pruned every now and then though.