Oops !


computer says no error  

403 Error : Forbidden

What is this ?

The 403 Forbidden HTTP status code indicates that the client (YOU) was able to communicate with the server, but the server won't let you access what was requested at this time. This is most likely because of the limits imposed on downloading. Guest users have a limit of 2 downloads at a time, Registered users have a limit of 5 downloads and Unlimited members have a limit of 25 downloads at any one time. Consider donating $15 and getting an Unlimited account, it will help us pay for this monster and help you download what you want a lot faster.

For full details on how to upgrade just follow this link.

Also it is possible that the server is very busy and is limiting service until such times as things improve, keep trying and the server should serve up your request soon.

* It is also possible you have been banned from accessing these file by the webmaster of theoldcomputer.com most likely because you were leeching content via hotlinks without permission.

If you are the owner of a leeching site, you may request use of the content by contacting hottrout(hat)theoldcomputer.com via email.

I am just a user what do I do now ?

Try visiting the main website to continue

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