The Old Computer No1 for ROMs and EMULATORS
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Retro Computing & Gaming
ROMs and Emulators

Home to the largest collection of roms and emulators anywhere on the web with over 500,000 ROMs and Emulators for every major computer, console, arcade machine, pinball table and mobile device. Box Scans, Manuals, Magazines and a 179,000+ strong user community.

Registered Members : 180,000
Unlimited Members : 12,212
Database Size : 4546.11GB
Total Roms : 461285
Total Systems : 508
Total Manufactures : 148

Latest News & Updates

Webpage Maintenance

Sat Jul 22, 2023 10:14 am | by Hot Trout | 1 comment

Just a quick update : Several quality of life changes have been implemented into the existing code, these should improve page speed, indexing and general user experience. All website pages have been updated to make use of this improvement.

Thank you everyone for the continued support, we need your help to keep this very rare resource alive, so please donate when you can.

Sir Clive Sinclair Dies Aged 81

Sun Sep 26, 2021 3:58 pm | by Hot Trout | 3 comments

Sir Clive Sinclair

Sir Clive Sinclair, the British inventor and pioneer of the home computing revolution has died at the age of 81. If you were a child living in the UK in the early 1980's, you will know exactly how he was. Most likely you will have wanted or even owned one of his home computers. He was a true genius and constant inventor. The Spectrum range of home 8-bit computers, the Sinclair C5 (a small electric city car that had you eye level with lorry wheels), the pocket TV, Sinclair pocket calculator and various watches with calculators, all came from his mind to physical reality and at the time all were lusted after in much the same way that Apple products are now.

For all your genius and for giving our childhoods such great memories and products, we wish you farewell and Godspeed Sir Clive.

NEW Dedicated Server Install Completed

Wed Aug 04, 2021 7:13 pm | by Hot Trout | 1 comment

Old Computer Console

Just wanted to inform everyone that our brand new dedicated server has been installed and is now running in place of the last one which had served us well since 2014. This particular box will provide even more storage, dedicated backup and faster response times as well as more simultaneous connections for downloads. In all it will be much faster than the outgoing server.

Processors : 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v4 @ 2.40GHz
Total Cores : 28
Memory : 64GB
Storage : 11TB Raid 10
Backup : 12TB SAN

With the new additional storage I may consider adding some of the really large ROM sets in the near future. Thank you to everyone who has donated and who continue to keep this site and it's amazing resource alive.

New Server Imminent

Fri Apr 16, 2021 10:54 pm | by Hot Trout | 2 comments

Old Computer Console

Just a quick message to report that we have a new, faster and larger server inbound in the future. I have been in talks with our hosts and am negotiating a replacement dedicated server, with more storage, more memory and more faster dual CPUs. Once I know more I will leave instructions and info on expected downtime if there is to be any.

Any and all donations would be gladly received, we only survive because you send us your donations, so I urge you all to please dig a little deeper and help make this happen for the future of the site.

Thank you.


COVID-19 Virus Update

Mon Mar 23, 2020 3:18 pm | by Hot Trout | 1 comment

Corona Virus Image

It is with a real sense of fear that we all are faced with the threat poised from the Cronavirus COVID-19. In these times we should all be self isolating and taking all the necessary precautions laid out to us by our respective governments. I would urge all of you to do this.

It is also evident to me that the number of people accessing this resource is increasing every day as a result of people spending more time in isolation. At we are going to do everything we can to help you enjoy this resource and to do our part in any way we can. I have made as much of the site FREE to download as I sensibly can and I invite you all to spend some time playing and using the collection that is stored here. PMJPlay (Curator for the Emulator Section) is working flat out to keep them all up to date so that you can run these games on as many different systems as possible.

We are very active on DISCORD if you would also rather chat live with us and the forums have a massive amount of stored knowledge and resource as well.

We ask you all to enjoy this site and its contents, if you are able to we would ask that you please donate to keep us running. We run from hand to mouth every month so every cent you send us really matters.

Stay safe everyone and enjoy some retro gaming.

Emulators Getting a Major Update

Wed Mar 11, 2020 2:36 pm | by Hot Trout | 0 comments

Emulators Logo

Some excellent news for the community. Alzabo was our Emulator Curator and general keeper of all things emulation. He has rturned from a very long holiday and is now back in the driving seat. His new community handle is PMJPlay and he has already updated a lot of the emulators in the database. Say hello and welcome him back.

Problems With Donations

Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:24 pm | by Hot Trout | 0 comments

Donations Working Again

Since last Tuesday we have had an issue with members trying to donate. This is a know issue with the firewall and we are working to fix it. Once we know more I will update this post. In the meantime please stay in contact and I will en devour to get this sorted as quickly as possible.

UPDATE : The donations system is working again after some firewall adjustments. Thank you for your patience and you should be able to login and donate again.

Sorry for the hassle

Merry Christmas 2019

Tue Dec 24, 2019 11:01 am | by Hot Trout | 0 comments

Retro Christmas Wreath

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year in 2020. Special thanks goes to our curators, admins and friends for all your hard work and help. I would not be able to keep this place running without you all. A special thank you must go to everyone that helped with donations the past few weeks, your money has kept us alive for a while longer.

I hope santa brings you all the retro gear you were after.

Merry Christmas.



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